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0day.today Exploits Market and 0day Exploits Database

 How to buy exploit? Two ways to buy required exploit. Currency, that we accept.

  1. Anonymous buying of exploits is the way to buy exploit without registration. You buy it directly and anonymous and get exploit on mail.
  2. Another way to buy exploits is to became 0day.today user, get 0day.today Gold and buy required exploit in our database.
We accept currencies: [contact admin to find more]

  What is 0day.today Gold? How to buy 0day.today Gold? How to earn 0day.today Gold?

  • 0day.today Gold is the currency of 0day.today project. It used for paying for the services, buying exploits, earning money, etc.
  • You can buy Gold: exchange money to Gold
  • You can earn Gold: selling exploits, helping with cracking hashes, etc.
We accept currencies: [contact admin to find more]

  How to sell exploits? Earning 0day.today Gold.

  1. To sell exploits on 0day.today exploits database you need to be registered user. You can login or register
  2. You need to found new unique vulnerability or 0day exploit. Create description, make approve video, screenshots, other useful information.
  3. Publish it on our database site, wait for cheking it by 0day.today Administration. Then wait for customers and earn money!
  4. You also can make it more popular with Highlight service.
  5. After you earn the 0day.today Gold you can get it out from the system to payment ystem, that you use.
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[ dos / poc ]

DOS exploits and vulnerabilities category

PoC DoS (denial of service exploit) it exploits remote steps to check the resistance on the affected server or software denial of service vulnerability. The purpose of these attacks is to check the server or the software for resistance.

PoC (Proof Of Concept exploit) An attack against a computer or network that is performed only to prove that it can be done. It generally does not cause any harm, but shows how a hacker can take advantage of a vulnerability in the software or possibly the hardware.
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